Transcript:A Soul's Bane (2024)

This page contains dialogue related to A Soul's Bane.

The content below is copied verbatim from RuneScape and thus copyrighted by Jagex.

This transcript involves dialogue with Launa, Tolna, Brana, and the player.


  • 1 Starting out
    • 1.1 Talking to Launa
    • 1.2 Talking to Launa again
  • 2 Room of Rage
    • 2.1 First entering the room
    • 2.2 Filling the rage level to maximum
    • 2.3 Talking to Launa
  • 3 Room of Fear
    • 3.1 First entering the room
    • 3.2 Entering black hole before killing all the fear reapers
    • 3.3 Killing the fear reapers in order
    • 3.4 Talking to Launa
  • 4 Room of Confusion
    • 4.1 First entering the room
    • 4.2 Attacking the wrong Confusion beast
    • 4.3 Killing the right Confusion beast
    • 4.4 Killing the last Confusion beast
    • 4.5 Talking to Launa
  • 5 Room of Hopelessness
    • 5.1 First entering the room
    • 5.2 Attacking Hopeless creature
    • 5.3 Killing hopeless creature in order
    • 5.4 Talking the Launa
  • 6 Tolna
    • 6.1 First entering the room
    • 6.2 Talking to Brana
    • 6.3 Talking to Launa
    • 6.4 Talking to Tolna after defeating him
  • 7 Back at surface
  • 8 Post-Quest Dialogue
    • 8.1 Talking to Tolna

Starting out[edit | edit source]

Talking to Launa[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Hi there.
  • Launa: Hello.
  • Player: What's this big hole in the ground all about?
  • Launa: Oh I wish I knew for sure... All I do know is that it opened seemingly by itself few months ago. It was first discovered by the students over at the Varrock Dig Site, a few of which have gone down there but never returned. They told me about it straight way.
  • Player: So why is it important to you?
  • Launa: A few reasons, but I think the situation is beyond help now.
  • Player: What situation? Maybe I can help.
  • Launa: I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I'm waiting to see my son Tolna. Don't suppose you've seen him?
  • Player: Your son Tolna? I don't know, what does he look like?
  • Launa: I don't really know.
  • Player: You don't know what your own son looks like?
  • Launa: No. You see I haven't seen him for... for.... 25 years now. He just ran away one day and never returned. I'm hoping he's down this rift as I know he headed in this direction. My husband went to look, but he hasn't returned for days.
  • Quest acceptance dialogue pops up

    • Accept quest
      • Player: Would you like me to go down to look for your husband and son?
      • Launa: You would do that? Oh thank you so much!
      • Player: Don't worry. I'll investigate.
      • Launa: Thank you. You can use the rope that's attached at the edge to get into the rift.
      • Player: No problem.
      • Launa: Be careful.
      • (Dialogue ends.)
    • Not right now
      • Player: Surely by now they'd both be dead?
      • Launa: What?!?!
      • Player: Oops.
      • Launa: How could you say such a thing? Get away from me!
      • (Dialogue ends.)

Talking to Launa again[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Hi.
  • Launa: Have you discovered anything yet?
  • Player: Sorry, what am I supposed to do again?
  • Launa: Go into the rift beside me and find my husband and son!
  • Player: Ah, I'm on my way!
  • (Dialogue ends.)

Room of Rage[edit | edit source]

First entering the room[edit | edit source]

  • Tolna's Voice: Why should I, Tolna, be trapped in such a wretched place?
  • Camera pans across the room to the burning exit

  • Tolna's Voice: Arrghh, It's not fair! Feel my ANGER!
  • Screen fades out

  • Congratulations! You have completed: 'You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry' - Enter the A Soul's Bane rift.
  • You have unlocked a new music track: Wrath and Ruin.

Filling the rage level to maximum[edit | edit source]

  • The player yells, anger wraps around them and kills all the monsters in the room.

  • Player: Wow! How did I do that? There is something truly mental about this place!
  • Screen fades out and cutscene starts

  • Launa: Where are you going?
  • Tolna: I can't live with your rules any more. Mother. I'm tired of working hard for very little money. There's great wealth that's mine for the taking!
  • Launa: But why? We're surviving perfectly fine on what we're earning.
  • Tolna: I'm tired of your pathetic outlook. Good bye.
  • Launa: Tolna? TOLNA!!!
  • Screen fades out and cutscene ends.

Talking to Launa[edit | edit source]

  • If you haven't cleared the room
    • Player: Hi, I've been down into the rift and I found a strange room. I also heard a voice claiming to be Tolna.
    • Launa: My son! What did he say?
    • Player: He said, 'Why should I, Tolna, be trapped in such a wretched place? Feel my ANGER!'.
    • Launa: Who can be surprised at his frustration?
    • Player: It's a very aggressive room. I think I need to defeat the monsters in there.
    • Launa: Don't waste my time, his life could depend on you.
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • If you have cleared the room
    • Player: I managed to defeat the monsters in the room!
    • Launa: Have you found him then?
    • Player: Sorry, I've yet to enter the next room.
    • Launa: Please hurry!
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Room of Fear[edit | edit source]

First entering the room[edit | edit source]

  • Tolna's Voice: It's so quiet and dark. I FEAR I may never escape this horrid place.
  • Camera pans across the room to individually cutting to separate dark holes

  • Tolna's Voice: Mum, Dad, help me!
  • Screen fades out

  • Player: Hmmm, no light sources. So why can I still see down here? This can't just be a simple dungeon.
  • You have unlocked a new music track: Fear and Loathing.

Entering black hole before killing all the fear reapers[edit | edit source]

  • Player: This door's darker than the rest. There is no WAY I'm going in there.

Killing the fear reapers in order[edit | edit source]

A scary face appears and starts to fight the Player

The player kills the scary face

  • Player: I don't like looking in these holes but I must!
  • Player: I don't feel quite so afraid now.
  • Player: These holes aren't that spooky.
  • Player: This isn't so scary after all!
  • Player: Phew, I don't feel so scared now. This feels like the figment of someone's imagination!
  • Screen fades out and cutscene starts

  • Tolna walks to the rift and suddenly falls into it

  • Screen fades out and cutscene ends

Talking to Launa[edit | edit source]

  • If you haven't cleared the room
    • Player: Hi. I've made my way into a second room. I heard your son's voice again as well.
    • Launa: What did he say? what did he say?
    • Player: 'It's so quiet and dark. I FEAR I may never escape this horrid place. Mum, help me!'
    • Launa: You must save him! Help him get over his fear!
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • If you have cleared the room
    • Player: I've overcome fear in the second room and an exit has been illuminated.
    • Launa: What can you see?
    • Player: Erm, I haven't actually ventured through yet.
    • Launa: What are you waiting for? he must be so afraid in that place.
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Room of Confusion[edit | edit source]

First entering the room[edit | edit source]

  • Tolna's Voice: Where am I? How long have I been here? Am I still the person I once was?
  • Camera circles around the room.

  • Tolna's Voice: Oh why am I so CONFUSED?
  • Camera zooms in on Confusion beast and fades out.

  • You have unlocked a new music track: Method of Madness.

Attacking the wrong Confusion beast[edit | edit source]

  • Does this creature really exist?
  • The Confusion beast disappears.
  • That monster wasn't even real!

Killing the right Confusion beast[edit | edit source]

  • Those other monsters were just hallucinations!

Killing the last Confusion beast[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Aha! The exit is now clear! This Tolna's mind really is a mess.
  • Screen fades out and cutscene starts.

  • Camera zooms in on Tolna.

  • Tolna: Leave me... But I don't want to... How can you say that...
  • Tolna: I've done nothing wrong... Arrrghhh...
  • Screen fades out and cutscene ends.

Talking to Launa[edit | edit source]

  • If you haven't cleared the room
    • Player: Hi, I've journeyed through to a third room. Your son's voice spoke as I entered.
    • Launa: Really? What did he say?
    • Player: Simply, 'Where am I? How long have I been here? Am I still the person I once was? I hate my CONFUSION'.
    • Launa: You have to help him overcome his confusion!
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • If you have cleared the room
    • Player: Hi. I have prevailed over a third room.
    • Launa: Are you any closer to finding my son?
    • Player: I think I may be getting closer.
    • Launa: Please don't waste my time.
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Room of Hopelessness[edit | edit source]

First entering the room[edit | edit source]

  • Tolna's Voice: What's the point? No-one will ever help me.
  • Camera zooms out, showing a rift.

  • Tolna's Voice: I'm not worth anything. Will anyone ever combat my HOPELESSNESS?
  • Camera focuses on Player and fades out.

  • You have unlocked a new music track: No Way Out.

Attacking Hopeless creature[edit | edit source]

  • These monsters seem to draw away your very lifeforce!

Killing hopeless creature in order[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Is there any end to killing these monsters?
  • Player: This is hard work!
  • Player: I've almost killed them all now.
  • Player: Maybe if I kill one more?
  • Screen fades in, a bridge of hope appears.

  • Player: A bridge of hope! Tolna should feel that help is at hand by now!

Talking the Launa[edit | edit source]

  • If you haven't cleared the room
    • Player: I have travelled through to a fourth room. As I entered your son's voice spoke to me!
    • Launa: Oh my! What did he say?
    • Player: He said, 'What's the pint? Why do I defy such HOPELESSNESS? No-one will ever help me'.
    • Launa: You must fight to give him back his hope!
    • Player: Can I succeed?
    • Launa: Of course you can!
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • If you have cleared the room
    • Player: I have endured against hopelessness to finish the fourth room.
    • Launa: Any sight of my son?
    • Player: Only his voice. So far he has said to me, 'Why should I, Tolna, be trapped in such a wretched place? Feel my ANGER!', 'It's so quiet and dark. I FEAR I may never escape this horrid place. Mum, help me!', 'Where am I? How long have I been here? Am I still the person I once was? I hate my CONFUSION' and 'What's the point? Why do I defy such HOPELESSNESS? No-one will ever help me'.
    • Launa: You must find him and bring him back to me. Please, I beg you.
    • Player: Don't worry, I will find him!
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Tolna[edit | edit source]

First entering the room[edit | edit source]

  • Brana: Son! Is that you? Please speak to me! Tolna?
  • Tolna: Why should I speak to you? Besides, I'm no longer the boy you once knew.
  • Brana: What do you mean? You'll always be my son!
  • Tolna: No. Something evil in this dungeon has morphed my body and mind.
  • Brana: There must be a way. Don't give up so easily!
  • Tolna: Don't give up? You had your chance to help me, 25 years it's taken you!
  • Brana: Sorry, but your mother and I...
  • Brana: ...tried so hard to find you!
  • Tolna: Lies!
  • Player walks into the conversation.

  • Tolna: Ah, we have a visitor!
  • Player: Your father isn't lying.
  • Tolna: Hah! If that's the way you think, then you shall both die!
  • Screen fades out.

Talking to Brana[edit | edit source]

  • Before defeating Tolna
    • Player: Are you ok?
    • Brana: Please! You must help my son! He's beyond sense.
    • Player: But how can I help?
    • Brana: I take it you have travelled through the mental dilemmas of my son, as I have.
    • Player: That's correct.
    • Brana: Now you must do what I cannot, conquer the physical dilemma!
    • Player: I will try.
    • Brana: Thank you stranger.
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • After defeating and before talking to Tolna
    • Player: I think I've saved your son.
    • Brana: Please talk to him, make sure he's OK!
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Talking to Launa[edit | edit source]

  • Before defeating Tolna
    • Player: I've found your son.
    • Launa: You have?
    • Player: And your husband, but I'm afraid your son is no longer physically what he once was.
    • Launa: Can you save them?
    • Player: I will try.
    • Launa: Thank you.
    • (Dialogue ends.)
  • After defeating and before talking to Tolna
    • Player: I have returned your son to his normal state!
    • Launa: And you've spoken to him?!?
    • Player: Er, no, sorry. I just came back here to tell you.
    • Brana: What are you waiting for, bring him back to me!
    • (Dialogue ends.)

Talking to Tolna after defeating him[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Tolna?
  • Tolna: Sorry? What happened?
  • Player: You've been trapped down here for years, I've come to rescue you on behalf of your parents.
  • Tolna: Oh yeah. I was looking for the legacy of a civilisation that used to live down here.
  • Brana: Son!
  • Tolna: Father? Oh. I'm so sorry, can you ever forgive me?
  • Brana: Don't worry, I'm just glad you're back to yourself. Are you OK?
  • Tolna: I'm fine, my memories are slowly returning. How's mother?
  • Brana: She misses you dearly!
  • Tolna: Where is she?
  • Player: She's up at the surface waiting for you.
  • Brana: Thank you traveller, I'm glad my wife and I never gave up hope. We should return to her and tell her the good news.
  • Tolna: Thank you so much, I truly owe you for your help.
  • Player: I'm just glad I could help!
  • Player appears at the entrance of the rift.

Back at surface[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Hello Tolna.
  • Tolna: Hi. Thanks again for saving me, I'm so glad to be out of that horrible place. I was foolish to ignore my parents' warnings when I ran away that day. Luckily I've been able to patch things up with them so they've returned home with peace of mind.
  • Player: What exactly happened to you down there?
  • Tolna: I managed to find the remnants of the ancient civilisation that the stories talked about. It seems people used to worship a god there years ago in numbers far greater than a simple cult following. Sadly there is little remaining so I have nothing else to tell. As soon as I entered this area the ground swallowed me whole. I felt there was something watching, waiting. It's like there is some evil power under the ground that wanted me to suffer. As if it got some sort of empowerment from it. At least whatever it is, it doesn't want to reveal itself to the world yet...
  • Player: At least we have a warning. Did you manage to retrieve anything?
  • Tolna: Not really, just a few coins, which you're welcome to have.
  • Player: Thanks. So what are you going to do now?
  • Tolna: I've decided to keep open the rift. There is a part of it that is perfectly laid out for combat training and remnants of my subconscious remain in there. I want to show people the problems I have faced, so that they may learn from them. You're welcome to go down there and practice fighting any time.
  • Player: Thanks.
  • (If the player does not have at least two free backpack spaces:)
    • You need to clear two spaces in your backpack to accept your reward.
    • (Repeated in pop-up:)
      • You need to clear two spaces in your backpack to accept your reward.
  • (If the player has at least two free backpack spaces:)
    • Congratulations! You have completed: 'A Soul's Bane' - Complete this quest.
    • Congratulations! Quest complete!

Post-Quest Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Talking to Tolna[edit | edit source]

  • Player: Hello again. Can you tell me about this training area?
  • Tolna: Of course, if you enter the rift next to me, you'll find a large dungeon filled with four kinds of beasts. You will recognise them from the gauntlet in which you helped me.
  • Player: OK, I didn't have too many problems beating them before.
  • Tolna: You might find it harder now! At least one is bound to cause you some sort of threat. Be careful! There isn't much in the way of items or treasure down there, it's purely for practicing your combat!
  • Player: Thanks.


A Soul's Bane

  • Launa
  • Tolna
  • Brana
  • Hopeless creature
  • Confusion beast
  • Fear reaper
  • Angry bear
  • Angry giant rat
  • Angry goblin
  • Angry unicorn
  • Anger battleaxe
  • Anger maul
  • Anger spear
  • Anger sword
  • Bridge of Hope
  • Black hole
  • Constitution XP lamp
  • Defence XP lamp
  • Anger Battleaxe
  • Anger Maul
  • Anger Spear
  • Anger Sword
  • Tolna's rift
  • Wrath and Ruin
  • Fear and Loathing
  • Method of Madness
  • No Way Out

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Transcript:A Soul's Bane (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.