Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (2024)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (1)

Updated: Sep 03, 2023

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (2)

  • Game

    Borderlands 3

  • Class

  • Skill Tree

    Bottomless Mags

  • Skill Type

    Passive Skill

  • Skill Tier


  • Max Points


    1 ➜ 2

  • Armor Boost

Skill Info

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (4)


Tier: 5

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Scoring a Critical Hit, grants Health and Ammo Regeneration for a short time.
Launcher Ammo regenerates slower.

Duration: 3s

Skill descriptions were adjusted to reflect their real effect.

Redistribution - Advanced Details









































































Boosting Class Mods

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (5)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (6)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (7)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (8)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (9)


Base Game

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (10)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (11)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (12)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (13)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (14)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (15)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (16)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (17)

Baby Boomer

Base Game

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (18)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (19)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (20)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (21)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (22)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (23)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (24)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (25)

Mind Sweeper

Base Game

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (26)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (27)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (28)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (29)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (30)Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (31)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (32)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (33)

Blast Master

Base Game

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (34)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (35)

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (36)

Moze's other Passive Skills

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (37)

Armored Infantry

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

While your Shield is active, you gain increased Gun Damage and Damage Resistance.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (38)

Matched Set

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Magazine Size for every equipped item that matches your held gun's Manufacturer.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (39)

Selfless Vengeance

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Reloading consumes a portion of your current Health and adds Bonus Fire Damage to the team's Gun Damage for a short time.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (40)

Fire in the Skag Den

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Your Area Damage deals extra Fire Skill Damage*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (41)

Cloud of Lead

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Every Nth shot from you or Iron Bear won't consume ammo and adds Bonus Fire Damage to your Gun Damage.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (42)

Big Surplus

Tier: 0

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

While your Action Skill is on Cooldown, all Damage you deal does extra Fire Skill Damage*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (43)

Dakka Bear

Tier: 0

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Equips Iron Bear with a mannable Turret.
While manned, Iron Bear and its rider deal increased Damage.

Iron Cub always deals increased Damage instead.

Bear Damage: +50% (twice)
Turret Damage: +50%
Cub Damage
: +20%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (44)


Tier: 0

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Iron Bear's weapons drain less Fuel.

Killing an enemy refuels Iron Bear.
This has diminishing returns and Auto Bear is unaffected.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (45)

Really Big Guns

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases Iron Bear/Cub's Damage.

Auto-Bear is not affected.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (46)

Security Bear

Tier: 0

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Iron Bear gets equipped with a Bubble Shield and increased Damage Reduction.
The Bubble Shield is not weak to any Element.

Iron Cub receives increased Damage Reduction.

Bear Max-Shield: 50% of Max-Health
Bear Shield Recharge Delay: 5s
Bear Damage Reduction: +25%

Cub Damage Reduction: +50%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (47)


Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear/Cub ignite an enemy, you two gain Health Regeneration for a short time.

Duration: 8s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (48)

Vladof Ingenuity

Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Shield Recharge Rate, Maximum Shield, and Shock Resistance.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (49)

Stainless Steel Bear

Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases Skill Damage, Maximum Fuel and Iron Bear Health.

Iron Bear/Cub receive this Skill Damage twice.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (50)

Double Time

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

While your Action Skill is active, you and Iron Bear/Cub gain increased Movement Speed.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (51)

Torgue Cross-Promotion

Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your and Iron Bear's Area Damage.

Your and Iron Bear's Area Damage has a chance to double its size.

Area Damage Radius: +100%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (52)

Explosive Fury

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your and Iron Bear's Status Effect Damage and Chance.

Bug: Bonuses are not working.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (53)

Thin Red Line

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

A portion of your Health is transformed into Maximum Shield.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (54)

Stoke the Embers

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your and Iron Bear's Fire Damage.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (55)


Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Moving increases your Gun Damage, Handling, Weapon Swap Speed and Mode Switch Speed.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (56)


Tier: 5

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Scoring a Critical Hit, grants Health and Ammo Regeneration for a short time.
Launcher Ammo regenerates slower.

Duration: 3s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (57)

Harmonious Havoc

Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun Damage with elemental guns.

Each equipped item that matches your gun's primary element* increases this bonus.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (58)

Means of Destruction

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Dealing Area Damage has a chance to return a Grenade or add Ammo to your magazine.
This skill has a short cooldown.

Cooldown: 0.3s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (59)

Experimental Munitions

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Your and Iron Bear/Cub's Critical Hits deal Bonus Fire Damage.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (60)

Fired Up

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear apply a Status Effect to an enemy, you gain stacking Fire Rate and Burst-Fire Delay for a short time.

Max Stacks: 5
Stack Duration: 12s
Fire Rate: +5% /stack
Burst-Fire Delay: +5% /stack

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (61)

Auto Bear

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

After you exit Iron Bear he remains in place and attacks nearby enemies for a duration.

When the duration ends Iron Bear charges at an enemy and self-destructs, dealing Physical Area Skill Damage.

Duration: 15s

Exiting Iron Bear treats your Action Skill as ended.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (62)

Rushin' Offensive

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

You can now sprint and shoot at the same time.
You also gain Lifesteal while sprinting.

Sprinting Lifesteal: +8%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (63)

Pull the Holy Pin

Tier: 10

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Your Grenades can now score Critical Hits, doubling their damage.

Grenade Critical Hits are unaffected by Crit Damage Bonuses.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (64)

Full Can of Whoop-Ass

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Activating your Action Skill causes the Team's Shields to start Recharging and increases the team's Recharge Rate for 2s.

On Action Skill End your Shield start Recharging and you gain increased Damage Resistance for 5s.

Team: Recharge Rate: +25%
Damage Resistance:+50%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (65)

Scorching RPM's

Tier: 10

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Fire Rate, Critical Damage, and Skill Damage.
Iron Bear/Cub receive double these bonuses*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (66)

Nitrotrinadium Engines

Tier: 15

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Skill Cooldown Rate and Maximum Fuel.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (67)

Why Can't I Carry All These Grenades?

Tier: 15

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Grenade Carrying Capacity.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (68)

Specialist Bear

Tier: 15

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Equipping Iron Bear with duplicate Weapons increases their Damage.

Bear/Cub Gun Damage: +60%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (69)


Tier: 15

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Dealing Grenade Damage restores a portion of your Health.
When Iron Bear/Cub deal Area Damage they restore Health.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (70)

Desperate Measures

Tier: 15

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun Damage.
The lower your Health the greater this bonus.

Increases Iron Bear/Cub's Damage.
The lower their Health the greater this bonus.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (71)

Never Going to Give You Up

Tier: 15

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear apply a Status Effect to an enemy, Iron Bear gains Fuel.
This effect has diminishing returns.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (72)

The Iron Bank

Tier: 15

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Magazine Size and Heat per Shot*.

*Bug: Should decrease Heat per Shot.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (73)

Behind the Iron Curtain

Tier: 15

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Improves your Shield Recharge Rate and Delay.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (74)

To the Last

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

You can now throw grenades while in Fight For Your Life.

Gaining a Second Wind with a Grenade refunds the grenade.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (75)

Some for the Road

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

On Action Skill End you gain Infinite Ammo for a short time.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (76)

Limit Break

Tier: 20

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear apply a Status Effect on an enemy you gain stacking Skill Cooldown Rate for a short time.

Max Stacks: 10
Stack Duration
: 12s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (77)

Explosive Punctuation

Tier: 20

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Dealing Area Damage increases your Skill Cooldown Rate for a short time.

Duration: 3s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (78)

"Click, Click..."

Tier: 20

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun Damage.
The emptier your Magazine or the hotter your COV the greater this Bonus*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (79)

Superior Firepower

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear apply a Status Effect to an enemy, both of you gain increased Status Effect Damage and Cryo Damage for a short time.

Max Stacks: 5
Stack Duration: 8s
Status Effect Damage: +20%
Cryo Damage: +20%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (80)

Feature Creep

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Increases Iron Bear/Cub's Damage and Damage Resistance.

Auto-Bear is unaffected.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (81)

Force Feedback

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Getting a Critical Kill restores a portion of your Shield and starts its Recharge.

Max-Shield Restored: 10%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (82)


Tier: 25

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

You gain passive Ammo Regeneration.
Launcher Ammo regenerates slower.

Ammo Regen/s: +5%
Launcher Ammo Regen/s: +0.5%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (83)

Running on Fumes

Tier: 25

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

When you or Iron Bear ignite an enemy, Iron Bear stops passively consuming Fuel for a short time.

Duration: 6s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (84)

Short Fuse

Tier: 25

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Dealing Gun Damage has a chance to trigger an Explosion, dealing Physical Area Damage.
This can only trigger once per shot*.

Chance: 20% per projectile
Damage: 50% of projectile

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (85)

Tenacious Defense

Tier: 25

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

When your Shield breaks it instantly restores a portion and you gain increased Gun Damage for a long time.
Your Shield needs to fully Recharge for this effect.

If your shield breaks while Iron Bear/Cub is active their Left-Arm receives this bonus.

Max-Shield Restored: 40%
Gun Damage
: +30%
Duration: 30s

Bottomless Mags
Alternative passive skills

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (86)

Cloud of Lead

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Every Nth shot from you or Iron Bear won't consume ammo and adds Bonus Fire Damage to your Gun Damage.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (87)

Dakka Bear

Tier: 0

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Equips Iron Bear with a mannable Turret.
While manned, Iron Bear and its rider deal increased Damage.

Iron Cub always deals increased Damage instead.

Bear Damage: +50% (twice)
Turret Damage: +50%
Cub Damage
: +20%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (88)

Matched Set

Tier: 0

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Magazine Size for every equipped item that matches your held gun's Manufacturer.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (89)

Stoke the Embers

Tier: 5

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your and Iron Bear's Fire Damage.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (90)


Tier: 5

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Scoring a Critical Hit, grants Health and Ammo Regeneration for a short time.
Launcher Ammo regenerates slower.

Duration: 3s

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (91)


Tier: 5

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Moving increases your Gun Damage, Handling, Weapon Swap Speed and Mode Switch Speed.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (92)

Rushin' Offensive

Tier: 10

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

You can now sprint and shoot at the same time.
You also gain Lifesteal while sprinting.

Sprinting Lifesteal: +8%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (93)

Scorching RPM's

Tier: 10

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Fire Rate, Critical Damage, and Skill Damage.
Iron Bear/Cub receive double these bonuses*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (94)

The Iron Bank

Tier: 15

Max Points: 5

Passive Skill

Increases your Magazine Size and Heat per Shot*.

*Bug: Should decrease Heat per Shot.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (95)

Specialist Bear

Tier: 15

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

Equipping Iron Bear with duplicate Weapons increases their Damage.

Bear/Cub Gun Damage: +60%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (96)

Some for the Road

Tier: 20

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

On Action Skill End you gain Infinite Ammo for a short time.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (97)

"Click, Click..."

Tier: 20

Max Points: 3

Passive Skill

Increases your Gun Damage.
The emptier your Magazine or the hotter your COV the greater this Bonus*.

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (98)


Tier: 25

Max Points: 1

Passive Skill

You gain passive Ammo Regeneration.
Launcher Ammo regenerates slower.

Ammo Regen/s: +5%
Launcher Ammo Regen/s: +0.5%

Redistribution • BL3 – Moze Skill (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

Last Updated:

Views: 5975

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.