Hyperant/Rise of Nations (2024)

Rise of Nations is a world domination strategy game. Developed by Hyperant as a side project, it was first made on November 14, 2018, as Earth Simulator. The actual development of Rise of Nations started on January 8, 2019. This game is similar to and likely inspired by the Hearts of Iron series, with similar sound effects and music. Sound effects were also taken from Europa Universalis IV, primarily the scorching effects.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Updates
  • 2 Gameplay
    • 2.1 Servers
    • 2.2 In-game
    • 2.3 Moving units
    • 2.4 Attacking other nations
  • 4 Technology
  • 5 Resources
  • 6 Units
    • 6.1 Infantry units
      • 6.1.1 Infantry
      • 6.1.2 Tanks
      • 6.1.3 Anti-Aircraft
      • 6.1.4 Artillery
    • 6.2 Air units
      • 6.2.1 Fighters
      • 6.2.2 Attackers
      • 6.2.3 Bombers
      • 6.2.4 Transport Aircraft
    • 6.3 Naval units
      • 6.3.1 Frigates
      • 6.3.2 Destroyers
      • 6.3.3 Battleships
      • 6.3.4 Carriers
      • 6.3.5 Submarines
  • 7 Ideologies
  • 8 Formable nations
    • 8.1 Common known formable nations
    • 8.2 Other known formable nations
  • 9 Additional Info


In the first stages of this game when it was originally called "Earth Simulator", players would spectate over a globe where they could move around. They could also launch nukes from anywhere, but they didn't do anything.

Later in development, Hyperant changed the entire aspect of the game, renaming it to "Country Simulator". This would later become Rise of Nations. It was very limited, but constant updates made it better and better.


The following list consists of updates with notable changes from January 12, 2019, to now.

DateNotable changes
2019-01-12Cede option was added, countries collapsing (all cities were occupied/taken) popups are now reduced to a simple little side notification, vote resets in 30 seconds instead of 10,
2019-01-16Hyperant finished the 3rd phase of borders, which were the rest of North America and Australia.
2019-01-17Hyperant finished the 4th phase of borders, which were the Middle East, South Asia, Japan, and Korea. A tank model was added by notacommie#2474.
2019-01-19Hyperant finishes the 5th phase of the borders, Central Asia. Multi-pathing of units is added, hold shift to draw multiple paths. Fixed unit spawning bug when switching to countries. Holding left alt on a Mac will allow a player to select multiple cities.
2019-01-206th phase of the border is added to China and Mongolia. The game was changed from "Country Simulator", to "Rise of Nations".
2019-01-217th phase of the border is added to Russia.
2019-01-238th phase of borders is finished in Northern Africa. Players can now scorch their own cities, rendering it useless for 4 minutes. During that time it will provide no supplies, earn no tax, and raise no manpower.
2019-01-24The 9th and final phase of borders for the rest of Africa are finished.
2019-05-06Rebellions are added making countries able to fund Rebellions in other countries.
2019-05-09Aircraft are added allowing players to build aircraft in Airports, Attackers, Bombers and Fighters.
2019-05-19Oil and Technology is added.
2019-05-26Releasable countries and Oil Inflation is added.
2019-06-01Terrain is added.
2019-06-06Ability to create line formations is added.
2019-06-08Artillery is added.
2019-06-23Factions are added.
2019-09-28Resource updates, allowing players to unlock more resources and trade with other users, as well as adding mines, radar stations, factories and removing the restart button.
2019-10-11New cosmetic skins for units, 14 new formables, 2 new map modes, buffs to socialism and communism, cheaper factions and fortifications and the ability to change capitals.
2019-12-24Major technology revamped, new liberation casus belli, military groups, improved factions, improved aircraft carriers and 33 new formables.
2020-02-14Taxation laws and political policies are added, cities can now have up to tier of 8, and the ability to return to lobby is added.
2020-04-27Canals can now be controlled, flanking is added, news ticker is added, leaderboard is customized, and landlocked ports are patched.
2020-06-13Lobby is remade, and the ability to join a server by ID is added.
2020-07-31Huge overload of map, GUI changes, generals, new faction names, and new formables are added.
2020-12-22Biomes and national events are added.
2021-05-13Treaties are revamped to add more customization.
2021-08-27After being removed and added back during April Fools of 2019, nukes are added back, along with 2 new nuclear-related buildings.


Hyperant/Rise of Nations (1)


The game has a list of servers in which players can select and join one. The server list can be sorted in 3 ways; name, player count, and year. Players are also able to create a new server, which will require more players that also chose to do the same. There is also an option called "Quick Join" which let players join a new server quickly without having to search through the server list or create a new one.


Once the player joins a server, they are given a list of countries that are not yet taken. They must pick one of the countries to continue. Some of the top-ranking countries require XP to be chosen.

In order to purchase troops, buildings, etc., players must have treasury which is shown on the bottom left of the HUD. Players will also need resources, some of which are essential for making certain buildings and units.

Moving units[]

At the beginning of the game, all countries start off with few infantry units, the amount of each depends on their cities' population. The owner can select and move one of them to a different location by clicking. Multiple units can be selected by holding down left click. They can also be merged into one by selecting and clicking on a location. If the player does not want the units to automatically be merged, they can select the units and set "Auto Merge" to off. Multiple paths for troops can be created by holding down shift and clicking on one location and then another. Land troops can suffer from attrition if they are not near a friendly city. If troops get to an ocean, they will convert into a ship transport to be able to travel through water, which cannot suffer from attrition at the expense of increased upkeep cost.

Attacking other nations[]

For a player to attack or declare war on a nation, they must justify a war against it. The fastest way to do this is by selecting on one of their cities, clicking their flag, and then clicking "Justify War Goal". If the player wishes to take all land of the nation, they can select "Conquest". Otherwise, they can select "Subjugate" to try and make the nation their own puppet. The justification will take time, depending on the player's ideology, distance and the nation being declared war on. Two justifications at maximum can be processed simultaneously. After their justification has been completed, the player can declare war.


  • Hyperant/Rise of Nations (2)

    Political view

  • Hyperant/Rise of Nations (3)

    Diplomatic view

  • Hyperant/Rise of Nations (4)

    Terrain view

  • Hyperant/Rise of Nations (5)

    Ideologies view

  • Hyperant/Rise of Nations (6)

    Factions view


The player can use the options: Political, Diplomatic, Terrain, Ideologies, and Factions to change their view. Political will give each nation a different color. Diplomatic colors the selected nation green, as well as coloring its allies blue, puppets cyan, non-allies in war together semi-transparent green, factions yellow and enemies red. Terrain shows the terrain from green as most soft to red as most rough. Ideologies give nations a color based on their ideology, which will either be red if communist or socialist, blue if democratic or liberal or black if fascist or nationalist. Factions give nations a color based on their faction. Each nation in a faction will have the same color but with a slightly different tone.

The player can also open up a list of resources by clicking the Resources button. Clicking one of the resources will show cities that are producing that resource with a number above them, which shows their production rate in units.


Players can strengthen their nation by upgrading its Technology which can improve almost any aspect of their nation such as Infantry. However, upgrading requires Research Power, which is gained over time.

It can be found by clicking on the flag and then clicking on Technology.


There are 16 resources in the game

  • Aircraft Parts — Required for producing aircrafts and aircraft carriers.
    • Aluminum — Required for producing Aircraft Parts.
    • Chromium — Required for producing Aircraft Parts.
  • Consumer Goods — The demand for Consumer goods is 1 Consumer Good = 1 million population. If the demand has been met, the nation will be given a 25% stability boost.
    • Electronics — Required for building Radar Stations and producing Consumer Goods.
      • Copper — Required for producing electronics.
      • Gold — Required for producing electronics.
    • Fertilizer — Required for producing Consumer Goods.
      • Phosphate — Required in producing fertilizer.
  • Diamond — Required for functioning of mines.
  • Motor Parts — Required for producing Tanks.
    • Tungsten — Required for producing Motor Parts.
  • Steel — Required for producing Motor Parts, Tanks and Capital Ships.
    • Iron — Required for producing steel.
  • Titanium — Required for producing Aircraft Parts and Steel.
  • Uranium — Required for producing Enriched Uranium.
  • Enriched Uranium — Required for producing Nukes.


Hyperant/Rise of Nations (7)

Units are the most important feature in the game. They can be used to take control of a nation and for defense. There are 3 main types of units: Infantry, Air and Naval.

Infantry units[]

Infantry units are the most commonly used units in the game. There are 4 types. To build 10k Infantry, you need 10,000 Manpower (10,000 ManPower -> 10k Unit of Active Infantry)


Infantry are the core of the game since they are cheap to produce and they are fairly effective.


Tanks are more expensive, but far more effective against facing Infantry.


Anti-Aircraft are primarily used against Air units but very weak against other units.


Ranged units suitable for bombarding Infantry and Naval units but very weak in a direct battle.

Air units[]


The fighter grants aerial superiority and they are very strong against other air assets. Decent against other fighters.


Hyperant/Rise of Nations (8)

Attackers are essentially air assets that are good for ground support against infantry and tanks.


Air assets that can strike long range targets such as cities to cripple the economy and kills infantry and tanks easily.

Transport Aircraft[]

Used to move ground units, it can only carry one land unit and is fairly useless outside of getting distant city far from other cities in rough terrain.

Naval units[]


Cheap ships that are mass-produced and are good for delaying infantry crossing the ocean to provide time for destroyers to respond. Weak against other naval units but makes it up in numbers.


Hyperant/Rise of Nations (9)

The bulk of the navy, good at destroying infantry and submarines but very weak in a direct confrontation with a battleship and a carrier. Also good against air units if used in numbers.


Hunks of steel that will win a direct confrontation with a destroyer and frigate. Deals massive amounts of damage to ground units along the coast due to its range being larger than a destroyer. Carriers will be trouble for the mighty battleships due to their large range and submarines are a major weakness for the battleships. Good against air units.


The pride of the navy whose range surpasses the battleships thricefold and deals damage overtime to units in its range due to its air assets. Submarines are its major weakness and they will die quickly to the units.

Note: Carriers must be escorted always by destroyers and submarines to ensure its safety.


Boats that can submerge into water and deal massive amounts of damage to battleships and carriers. Weak against frigates and much weaker against destroyers.


There are 3 types of Ideologies, each with a minor version of it. They are: Democracy, with Liberalism as the minor; Communism, with Socialism as the minor and Fascism, with Nationalism as its minor.Each Ideology has its strengths and weaknesses.

IdeologyStabilityManpowerTax IncomeJustify TimeOffensive Wars' Stability HitUpkeep CostUnrest ReductionOther
Communism+8%+100%-25%-25%+1%0%-10%125% factory output, -40% reinforcement cost
Socialism+3%+40%-10%-15%0%0%0%50% factory output, -15% reinforcement cost

Formable nations[]

Some countries can have formable nations. They are usually past countries of a country, but some are unions.

Common known formable nations[]

Country1st Formable Nation2nd Formable Nation3rd Formable Nation
United StatesNorth American Union


Empire of Brazil (can only be formed by Brazil)United States of South America
French Guiana
ColombiaGran Colombia (can only be formed by Colombia)
Czech RepublicGerman Reich (can only be formed by Germany)-European Union
GermanyFrankish Empire (can only be formed by either Germany or France)
SpainIberian Union
and the rest of the European countries.. (except the United Kingdom and Ireland)
CyprusKingdom of Jerusalem (can only be formed by Israel and Cyprus)
TanzaniaEast African FederationAfrican Union
South Sudan
and the rest of the African countries

Other known formable nations[]

  • Iraq → Assyria
  • Japan → Japanese Empire
  • Russia → Soviet Union
  • Austria → Holy Roman Empire
  • Argentina → Rio de la Plata
  • Greece → Byzantine Empire
  • Greece -> Spartan Empire
  • Turkey → Ottoman Empire
  • Iran → Persian Empire
  • All of North Africa, the Middle East except Israel → Islamic Caliphate
  • Netherlands, Belgium or Luxembourg → Benelux
  • Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania → United Baltic Federation
  • Any Nordic country → Kalmar Union
  • Taiwan → Republic of China
  • Poland or Lithuania → Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Serbia → Yugoslavia
  • Ethiopia → Ethiopian Empire
  • Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica or Nicaragua → Central American Republic
  • Italy → Roman Empire
  • India → Maurya Empire
  • Pakistan → Mughal Empire
  • Indonesia → Srivijaya Empire
  • Any South East Asian Country → South East Asian Federation
  • Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan → Turkic Khaganate
  • South Africa → Greater Union of South Africa
  • Egypt → Mamluk Sultanate
  • Mexico → Mexican Empire
  • United Kingdom → British Empire, North Sea Empire
  • Bahamas → Pirate Republic
  • Syria → Palmyrene Empire

Additional Info[]

The Server Size Of Rise Of nations is 100 Players.

Rise Of Nations Was Last Updated at 4/3/2024

The Official Genre Of The Game Is Military.

Hyperant/Rise of Nations (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.