Hatchet Spear Build New World (2025)

1. Hatchet and Spear PvE Build - New World - Icy Veins

  • 23 feb 2023 · A build for New World's Spear using a Rapier for DPS in PvE scenarios.

  • A build for New World's Spear using a Rapier for DPS in PvE scenarios.

2. New World Hatchet Spear Build - StudioLoot

  • Introduction · Mastery Points · Attributes · Equipment

  • This New World hatchet spear build is intended for OPR and arena. It's a fast pace playstyle that excels at high single target damage.

3. Guide Master PvP Spear Hatchet BUILD HA/SP build New World

  • 5 apr 2023 · Build for Hatchet and Spear, HA SP. This Build for New World Character created by Ulfhednar. This build is Melee, PvP Only.

  • Build for Hatchet and Spear, HA SP. This Build for New World Character created by Ulfhednar. This build is Melee, PvP Only

4. Spear and Hatchet PvP Build - New World - Icy Veins

5. Best Spear Build In New World - TheGamer

  • The Hatchet is arguably one of the very best weapons in New World, mostly thanks to its powerful Berserk ability. It pairs nicely with the Spear, giving you ...

  • The Spear is a versatile weapon in New World. This best Spear build guide covers the best attributes, masteries, and which weapon to pair with it.

6. Guide M10 Genesis Hatchet Spear DPS HA/SP build New World

  • 23 jan 2023 · Abilities · Enraged Strikes. Enraged Strikes. Abilities and heavy attacks deal 20% more damage to targets below 30% health. · Feral Rush Preview.

  • Build for Hatchet and Spear, HA SP. This Build for New World Character created by VeNoMzShibe. This build is Melee, Expeditions

7. Angry Earth DPS Build: Spear Hatchet - StudioLoot

  • This guide contains all the information you need to successfully DPS any Angry Earth Expedition in New World.

8. Best Hatchet Build - New World Guide - IGN

  • 27 okt 2021 · Defy Death – when you receive lethal damage, reduce to 50 HP and gain immortality for 3s. NEW WORLD HATCHET WEAPON MASTERY.jpg. Throwing Active ...

  • Welcome to our guide for Best Hatchet Build in New World! This guide tells you everything you need to know about the Best Hatchet Build including Active and

9. Best New World Spear Builds for PvP and PvE - MMOPixel.com

  • 12 sep 2022 · One of our favorites New World weaponries is the Hatchet. Its many speed-boosting qualities not only make it considerably simpler to move ...

  • The Spear is a versatile melee weapon that may be used offensively and defensively. It can successfully compete in most settings thanks to its robust Rend application and a variety of crowd management capabilities.

10. New World: The Best Hatchet Build - Game Rant

  • 17 jul 2022 · Hatchet Weapon Combinations · Spear: The spear has a lot in common with the hatchet. · Sword: Players can wield a sword on its own or with a ...

  • Hatchets might seem like a humble weapon, but players can use them to great effect in New World. Here's how to get one and make it powerful.

11. Best Hatchet Build In New World - TheGamer

  • This tree pairs best with weapons like the Spear and Rapier, as it allows you to create space between yourself and the enemy with ease. Typically, for Hatchet ...

  • The Hatchet is one of the most reliable builds in New World, but both solo leveling play, PvP, and some of the late-game Expeditions.

12. New World Spear Tank - The Tank Club

  • 6 feb 2024 · Spear Tank Build · Perforate. Execute 3 quick piercing strikes that each deal 80% weapon damage and apply rend, reducing the target's armor by 5% ...

  • Spear Tank Information Spear is not often seen on Tanks but with the changes to Spear that arrived with the recent Season 1 - Fellowship & Fire update and the addition of a new taunt compatible skill, it's made using a Spear for a Tank even more accessible. Spear offers good group benefits with Rend

13. Spear/Bow PvE Build New World - Dottz Gaming

  • Introduction. Welcome to DottzGaming.com's Spear Bow New World PvE Build! This build is intended for general overland PvE and expeditions! The Spear & Bow ...

  • The Spear & Bow combine very well together, offering a ton of CC, zoning potential (with the spear) and solid range.

Hatchet Spear Build New World (2025)


Is the Spear Hatchet good in New World? ›

The Spear is great for applying Rends and other debuffs. The Hatchet adds not only damage, but its amazing survivability. both the Hatchet and Greatsword for high single-target damage. These weapons can be used interchangeably as both will find single-target success.

What weapon pairs well with Hatchet New World? ›

The Hatchet pairs well with an assortment of different weapons. It can be paired with the Fire Staff, Bow, Rapier, Ice Gauntlet, the Great Axe...

What is the best weapon to use with a Spear in New World? ›

Spear And Hatchet Build. First up, the Hatchet and Spear build. The Hatchet is arguably one of the very best weapons in New World, mostly thanks to its powerful Berserk ability. It pairs nicely with the Spear, giving you backup CC effects and range for when Berserking just isn't enough.

What is the best tree in New World Hatchet? ›

There are two Hatchet Weapon Mastery Trees: Berserker and Throwing. Berserker focuses on melee attacks and dealing the most damage. It also has buffs that restore bars like HP and Stamina. Throwing is all about Ranged attacks, allowing you to hit enemies from afar with your Hatchet.

What is the difference between Hatchet and great sword New World? ›

Great Sword is mainly used for the bosses, if u get in sticky situations take out your Hatchet. It is a bit more challenging to use the Great Sword cause u get animation locked for longer and take extra damage while in the Onslaught Stance but if used right, it has the Highest DPS in New World right now.

What is the most powerful weapon in New World? ›

Best weapons in New World
  • Great Axe. A two-handed weapon that packs a serious punch, the Great Axe does a terrific job at dealing damage to other players over a wide array of effect.
  • Ice Gauntlet. By in large the best magical weapon that New World has to offer. ...
  • Sword and Shield.
Sep 29, 2021

What does spear scale with New World? ›

Spears are one type of weapon in New World. Spear damage scales with Dexterity and partially with Strength.

What gem is best for spear New World? ›

Melee Damage - PvP Gem Setup
SpearRuneglass of Arboreal Opal*
Second Melee WeaponRuneglass of Arboreal Opal*
HelmetCut Pristine Onyx
GlovesCut Pristine Onyx
6 more rows

Is the hatchet still good in New World? ›

It is one of the best all-purpose weapons there is. Whether it is leveling, PvP, or PvE, there is a use for the Hatchet. It does not matter what your other weapon is, the Hatchet will be a valuable addition to a build.

What is the best use of a hatchet? ›

A hatchet is often a multi-purpose. A common survival tool that can be handy for chopping and collecting limbs off of trees. It is also common for it to be used for splitting kindling for fires. Hatchets are smaller than traditional axes and are commonly swung with one hand.

What is the best perk for hatchet in New World? ›

Hatchet Perks
  • Vicious — Since most hits will be from behind, this will increase damage for those and for critical hits.
  • Keenly Empowered — Fantastic option for increasing damage in PvP and PvE. ...
  • Attunement Perks — Consistent and free damage increase.

What gem is best for hatchet New World? ›

Melee Damage - PvP Gem Setup
HatchetRuneglass of Arboreal Opal*
Second Melee WeaponRuneglass of Arboreal Opal*
HelmetCut Pristine Onyx
GlovesCut Pristine Onyx
6 more rows
Oct 22, 2023

What does Spear scale with New World? ›

Spears are one type of weapon in New World. Spear damage scales with Dexterity and partially with Strength.

What does the hatchet scale with in New World? ›

Hatchets are a type of weapon in New World. Hatchets scales primarily with strength but also benefits from dexterity.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.